By commissioning LinusCharmeleon you accept these terms of service:

a) When commissioning me it is your responsibility to ensure that you have given me all the relevant information about your commission (Including an accurate reference of your character(s)).
a) I accept full payment upfront trough paypal
a) Once progress has begun on your commission you will be send I'll send a first sketch for your aproval, and a WIP of color palette and mood. I will do 3-5 modifications if requested before handing in the final work. And then the final Work.
b) If you are worried about how the piece will turn out, want to ensure your character turns out the way you want or would just like updates throughout the commission process. I will send you updates at each stage: Sketch > Lineart > Colour > Completed.
a) All rights to the artwork belong to me LinusCharmeleon©. This means that you are not allowed to reproduce the art for sale or commercial use. The artwork I provide for you is for personal use only.
b) If you would like to own the rights to the artwork for commercial use you should discuss this with me beforehand and you will be asked to pay an additional fee.
c) You are not authorized to heavily edit, trace or reference any of the artwork that I may make for you unless I have given you explicit permission to do so.
a) Refunds are always available if the piece has not been started. If you change your mind on the commission you are welcome to ask for a refund however, if the commission has been started a fee will be deducted based on how much % work has been done.
b) It is not possible to request a refund after the piece has been completed. If a
chargeback is made, the client will be blacklisted and blocked and the artwork will be re-purposed.
c) If I decided to cancel a commission for any reason you are entitled to a full refund unless work has been started on the commission.
I am entitled to cancel or refuse any commission regardless of the circumstances of said commission or client.

Feel Free to Contact me

I look foward to creating your character :3

© LinusCharmeleonArts_2023. All rights reserved.